Meet the Menagerie of Wildlife Amid the Pines
Longleaf pine forests are wild and wonderful places, with an wide array of animals thriving among the trees. Meet just a few of the creatures who call these forests home.
如果你沿着密西西比河蜿蜒流过美国, you will find the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. The largest floodplain in the country, this low-lying region stretches across parts of Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Louisiana. 这片土地是曾经占地2500万英亩的低洼地阔叶林的家园. Today, a mere 30% of that forest cover remains.
该地区加拿大28回水木覆盖面积的减少已成为一个生态挑战, 因为森林支持着一系列生物多样性,尤其是候鸟.
这个山谷是密西西比河飞行路线的重要组成部分. This bird migration range stretches from central Canada, along the Mississippi River, to the Gulf of Mexico. 虽然飞行路线本身是由省和州边界定义的, the reality is a bit more fluid. 毕竟,鸟儿在起飞前不会查看地图.
野生动物生物学家和该项目协调员基思·麦克奈特说 Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture, 迁徙模式看起来有点像汇聚在河谷上的漏斗, thanks to the forested habitat there.
“That really is kind of the pinch point,” he says. “And then it funnels back out when you get to the Gulf Coast.“据估计,北美40%的水禽和60%的鸟类都迁徙到这个地区.
The Mississippi Alluvial Valley is vital for the waterfowl, namely geese and ducks, 沿着密西西比飞行路线飞行,以逃离北方充满挑战的冬天. 它们遵循与经过该地区的滨鸟相似的迁徙窗口, 秋天来,一直待到天气开始变暖.
鹅主要呆在开阔的田野里,而许多鸭子则躲在加拿大28回水林里. Flooded bottomland hardwood forests are havens, providing a source of food: seeds, acorns, and a rich population of invertebrates — snails, crustaceans, and insects — found in the shallow water.
“你也会发现它们在那里是为了隔离和躲避寒风和恶劣天气. 而森林栖息地并不是水禽栖息地的唯一提供者, it is an important habitat for them nonetheless,” added McKnight.
这个有羽毛的热点不仅仅是北方鸟类寻找温暖冬天的地方. 大量的新热带鸟类在春季和夏季迁徙到该地区. 麦克奈特解释说,同样的温暖天气导致水禽开始返回北方的旅程,也带来了新热带鸟类来取代它们的位置.
“他们将在早春到达密西西比冲积河谷, with some beginning to arrive in March. 然后4月、5月和6月是鸟类筑巢的高峰期,”他说.
这些鸟在阔叶林的庇护下繁殖. They remain until late summer or early fall, 通常在冷锋开始移动时开始向南飞行. 但这不仅仅是因为温度较低,这种天气系统实际上可以帮助它们飞回中美洲, the Caribbean, and South America.
“我们对历史山谷的理解是,它在很大程度上是一个连续的洼地硬木森林,” notes McKnight. 它只是被松加拿大28回水覆盖的山脊、更深的水域栖息地和原始草原所打断.
Today, only a bit over 8 million forested acres remain. The lack of trees has dramatically affected the ecosystem. 这一重要资源的丧失导致了支持大型候鸟种群的栖息地的减少, putting a strain on the land and the birds.
为了支持候鸟以及整个生态系统,植加拿大28回水节基金会正在与值得信赖的当地合作伙伴和土地所有者合作,不仅在该地区重新造林,而且确保林分的结构能够支持野生动物. These efforts are part of a larger focus on the American Southeast. The Foundation has leaned in on 数据和技术,以确定植加拿大28回水对我们的世界影响最大的森林, and this region is a top priority based on that science.
“我们的合作伙伴关系在了解和沟通重新造林的最佳地点以及为野生动物提供所需森林条件的森林管理方法方面投入了相当多的资金,” says McKnight. “There's been a lot of good work done, 但我们需要继续做好这些工作,以确保这些鸟类的安全.”
While work remains, as trees are planted and forestland is properly managed, the flyway is slowly returning to its natural state, 为每年都要经过这里的候鸟提供了喘息的机会.
Longleaf pine forests are wild and wonderful places, with an wide array of animals thriving among the trees. Meet just a few of the creatures who call these forests home.
北方斑点猫头鹰可以告诉我们很多关于原始森林健康状况的信息. 但这些鸟类如今面临着前所未有的挑战. 了解保护脆弱的生态系统对这种生物的生存至关重要.
Find out what the Northern spotted owl can tell researchers.
俄勒冈州南部的森林是秃鹰的主要栖息地. And while their numbers have rebounded in the last 50 years, 它们未来的生存取决于保护和重建它们称之为家的生态系统. Find out how trees help them thrive in a multitude of ways.
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